Adding a Page

There is no limit to the amount of pages you can add to your Adviser Portals website. Simply follow the steps below and repeat for each new page.

To add pages, log in to your site with the ‘siteadmin’ details received in your ‘Welcome Email’.

  1. Hover your mouse over the Dashboard link in the editing toolbar at the top of the site
  2. In the dropdown click on Sitemap
  3. You will now see a list of all your pages. Click on the page you wish to add a new page beneath. So for example, click Home if you want to  add a page to the top level of your navigation and select Add Page from  the options
  4. Next you need to select a Page Type - for a regular page select Page
  5. Give the page a Name - this is what will display in the navigation
  6. Click Add Page.