
Using the built in content management system (CMS) you can add, edit, delete and move pages to make the site more personalised to your business

Your Adviser Portals website comes with many pre-built pages; Home, Information, Contact Us etc. Pages hold all of the content on the site and are found by using the links in the navigation bar.

Using the built in content management system (CMS) you can add, edit, delete and move pages to make the site more personalised to your business.

To manage pages, log in to your site with the ‘siteadmin’ details received in your ‘Welcome Email’.

There is no limit to the amount of pages you can add to your Adviser Portals website. Simply follow the steps below and repeat for each new page.

Sometimes you may need to change the name or URL of a page. Instead of deleting the page and starting again, you can edit it instead.

If you no longer need a page on your site then you can delete this from the sitemap.

Pages can be moved around the site so you can re-order the links in your navigation.

A page’s permissions determine who can view and edit that page. You may wish to create pages that can only be viewed when logged in, you can change the permissions of a page to allow this.

Sometimes you may need some extra control over a page. Page properties allow us to do just that.