
Add new members of staff or edit existing information.


Add new members of staff or edit existing information.

To manage your ‘people’ login in to your account (My Portal) on our website

Adding a New Person

  1. Once logged into your account, navigate to My Portal > People
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Add Another Person
  3. Enter the person's details. Required fields are; name, position & telephone. The other fields are optional
  4. You can decide whether you want to display the person on the contact us page, our people page or both by checking the required options
  5. Set the display order. This determines what position this person is displayed on your website.
  6. Click Save.

Any changes saved in the ‘People’ section will automatically be updated on your website.

Editing an Existing Person

  1. Once logged into your account, navigate to My Portal > People
  2. Locate the person and update the details
  3. Click Save.

Any changes saved in the ‘People’ section will automatically be updated on your website.

Removing an Existing Person

  1. Once logged into your account, navigate to My Portal > People
  2. Locate the person
  3. Uncheck Include in Contact Us to remove from Contact page, or
  4. Uncheck Include in Our People Us to remove from Our People page
  5. Click Save.

Any changes saved in the ‘People’ section will automatically be updated on your website. 


If you have any questions in regards to this guide, please email us